Developer tools
Improve your developer experience with these services and extensions
Apollo Studio
Apollo Studio (formerly Graph Manager) is a cloud app that provides a single, consolidated place for you to collaborate on the evolution of your graph.
It provides the following features to all Apollo users for free:
- A query window that connects to all your environments and provides ergonomic ways to author and manage queries.
- A GraphQL schema registry that tracks the evolution of your graph across your environments.
- Key insights into which parts of your schema are being actively used, and by whom.
- Team collaboration via organizations
Advanced features are available with a subscription to an Apollo Team or Enterprise plan.
To learn more about Apollo Studio, check out the overview.
Apollo Client Devtools
The Apollo Client Devtools are available as an extension for Chrome and Firefox.
The Apollo Client Devtools appear as an "Apollo" tab in your web browser's Inspector panel, alongside default tabs like "Console" and "Network". The devtools currently have four main features:
- GraphiQL: Send queries to your server through your web application's configured Apollo Client instance, or query the Apollo Client cache to see what data is loaded.
- Watched query inspector: View active queries, variables, and cached results, and re-run individual queries.
- Mutation inspector: View active mutations and their variables, and re-run individual mutations.
- Cache inspector: Visualize the Apollo Client cache and search it by field name and/or value.
You can install the extension via the webstores for Chrome and Firefox.
While your app is in dev mode, the Apollo Client Devtools will appear as an "Apollo" tab in your web browser inspector. To enable the devtools in your app in production, pass connectToDevTools: true
to the ApolloClient
constructor in your app. Pass connectToDevTools: false
if want to manually disable this functionality.
Find more information about contributing and debugging on the Apollo Client Devtools GitHub page.
Apollo Codegen
Apollo Codegen is a tool to generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents.
It currently generates Swift code, TypeScript annotations, Flow annotations, and Scala code, we hope to add support for other targets in the future.
See Apollo iOS for details on the mapping from GraphQL results to Swift types, as well as runtime support for executing queries and mutations. For Scala, see React Apollo Scala.js for details on how to use generated Scala code in a Scala.js app with Apollo Client.
If you want to use apollo-codegen
, you can install it command globally:
npm install -g apollo-codegen
The purpose of this command is to create a JSON introspection dump file for a given graphql schema. The input schema can be fetched from a remote graphql server or from a local file. The resulting JSON introspection dump file is needed as input to the generate command.
To download a GraphQL schema by sending an introspection query to a server:
apollo-codegen introspect-schema http://localhost:8080/graphql --output schema.json
You can use the header
option to add additional HTTP headers to the request. For example, to include an authentication token, use --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
You can use the insecure
option to ignore any SSL errors (for example if the server is running with self-signed certificate).
To generate a GraphQL schema introspection JSON from a local GraphQL schema:
apollo-codegen introspect-schema schema.graphql --output schema.json
The purpose of this command is to generate types for query and mutation operations made against the schema (it will not generate types for the schema itself).
This tool will generate Swift code by default from a set of query definitions in .graphql
apollo-codegen generate **/*.graphql --schema schema.json --output API.swift
You can also generate type annotations for TypeScript, Flow, or Scala using the --target
# TypeScript
apollo-codegen generate **/*.graphql --schema schema.json --target typescript --output operation-result-types.ts
# Flow
apollo-codegen generate **/*.graphql --schema schema.json --target flow --output operation-result-types.flow.js
# Scala
apollo-codegen generate **/*.graphql --schema schema.json --target scala --output operation-result-types.scala
template support
If the source file for generation is a javascript or typescript file, the codegen will try to extrapolate the queries inside the gql tag templates.
The tag name is configurable using the CLI --tag-name
.graphqlconfig support
Instead of using the --schema
option to point out your GraphQL schema, you can specify it in a .graphqlconfig
In case you specify multiple schemas in your .graphqlconfig
file, choose which one to pick by using the --project-name
Typescript and Flow
When using apollo-codegen
with Typescript or Flow, make sure to add the __typename
introspection field to every selection set within your graphql operations.
If you're using a client like @apollo/client
that does this automatically for your GraphQL operations, pass in the --addTypename
option to apollo-codegen
to make sure the generated Typescript and Flow types have the __typename
field as well. This is required to ensure proper type generation support for GraphQLUnionType
and GraphQLInterfaceType
Why is the __typename field required?
Using the type information from the GraphQL schema, we can infer the possible types for fields. However, in the case of a GraphQLUnionType
or GraphQLInterfaceType
, there are multiple types that are possible for that field. This is best modeled using a disjoint union with the __typename
as the discriminant.
For example, given a schema:
interface Character {
name: String!
type Human implements Character {
homePlanet: String
type Droid implements Character {
primaryFunction: String
Whenever a field of type Character
is encountered, it could be either a Human or Droid. Human and Droid objects
will have a different set of fields. Within your application code, when interacting with a Character
you'll want to make sure to handle both of these cases.
Given this query:
query Characters {
characters(episode: NEW_HOPE) {
... on Human {
... on Droid {
Apollo Codegen will generate a union type for Character.
export type CharactersQuery = {
characters: Array<{
__typename: 'Human',
name: string,
homePlanet: ?string
} | {
__typename: 'Droid',
name: string,
primaryFunction: ?string
This type can then be used as follows to ensure that all possible types are handled:
function CharacterFigures({ characters }: CharactersQuery) {
return => {
switch(character.__typename) {
case "Human":
return <HumanFigure homePlanet={character.homePlanet} name={} />
case "Droid":
return <DroidFigure primaryFunction={character.primaryFunction} name={} />