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Testing React components

Using MockedProvider and associated APIs

This article describes best practices for testing React components that use Apollo Client.

The examples below use Jest and React's test renderer instead of tools like Enzyme or react-testing-library, but the concepts apply to any testing framework.

The MockedProvider component

Every test for a React component that uses Apollo Client must make Apollo Client available on React's context. In application code, you achieve this by wrapping your component tree with the ApolloProvider component. In your tests, you use the MockedProvider component instead.

The MockedProvider component enables you to define mock responses for individual queries that are executed in your test. This means your test doesn't need to communicate with a GraphQL server, which removes an external dependency and therefore improves the test's reliability.


Let's say we want to test the following Dog component, which executes a basic query and displays its result:

A basic rendering test for the component looks like this (minus mocked responses):

import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import { MockedProvider } from '@apollo/client/testing';
import { GET_DOG_QUERY, Dog } from './dog';

const mocks = []; // We'll fill this in next

it('renders without error', () => {
  const component = TestRenderer.create(
    <MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
      <Dog name="Buck" />

  const tree = component.toJSON();

Defining mocked responses

The mocks prop of MockedProvider is an array of objects, each of which defines the mock response for a single operation. Let's define a mocked response for GET_DOG_QUERY when it's passed the name Buck:

const mocks = [
    request: {
      query: GET_DOG_QUERY,
      variables: {
        name: 'Buck',
    result: {
      data: {
        dog: { id: '1', name: 'Buck', breed: 'bulldog' },

Each mock object defines a request field (indicating the shape and variables of the operation to match against) and a result field (indicating the shape of the response to return for that operation).

Your test must execute an operation that exactly matches a mock's shape and variables to receive the associated mocked response.

Alternatively, the result field can be a function that returns a mocked response after performing arbitrary logic:

result: () => {
  // ...arbitrary logic...

  return {
    data: {
      dog: { id: '1', name: 'Buck', breed: 'bulldog' },

Combining our code above, we get the following complete test:

Important: As it's written, this test checks whether the Dog component renders successfully and displays a Loading... message. However, it doesn't wait for MockedProvider to respond to GET_DOG_QUERY. Even when GraphQL operations are mocked, they're Promise-based and therefore asynchronous. Because of this, this test always completes while the component is still in its initial loading state.

To test a component's rendering after MockedProvider responds, see The "completed" state and Error states.

Setting addTypename

In the example above, we set the addTypename prop of MockedProvider to false. This prevents Apollo Client from automatically adding the special __typename field to every object it queries for (it does this by default to support data normalization in the cache).

We don't want to automatically add __typename to GET_DOG_QUERY in our test, because then it won't match the shape of the query that our mock is expecting.

Unless you explicitly configure your mocks to expect a __typename field, always set addTypename to false in your tests.

Testing the "loading" state

You can test how your component is rendered while it's still awaiting a query result. In fact, this is a test's default behavior if it doesn't explicitly wait for the Promise-based result from MockedProvider.

The example above shows a test that renders a component in its "loading" state without awaiting a result from MockedProvider.

Testing the "success" state

To test how your component is rendered after its query completes, you can await a zero-millisecond timeout before performing your checks. This delays the checks until the next "tick" of the event loop, which gives MockedProvider an opportunity to populate the mocked result:

it('should render dog', async () => {
  const dogMock = {
    request: {
      query: GET_DOG_QUERY,
      variables: { name: 'Buck' },
    result: {
      data: { dog: { id: 1, name: 'Buck', breed: 'poodle' } },

  const component = TestRenderer.create(
    <MockedProvider mocks={[dogMock]} addTypename={false}>
      <Dog name="Buck" />

  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
  const p = component.root.findByType('p');
  expect(p.children.join('')).toContain('Buck is a poodle');

If your component performs complex calculations or includes delays in its render logic, you can increase the timeout's duration accordingly. You can also use a package like wait-for-expect to delay until the render has occurred. The risk of using a package like this everywhere is that every test might take up to five seconds to execute (or longer if the default timeout is increased).

Testing error states

Your component's error states are just as important to test as its success state, if not more so. You can use the MockedProvider component to simulate both network errors and GraphQL errors.

  • Network errors are errors that occur while your client attempts to communicate with your GraphQL server.
  • GraphQL errors are errors that occur while your GraphQL server attempts to resolve your client's operation.

Tests for error states require the same zero-millisecond timeout as tests for the success state.

Network errors

To simulate a network error, you can include an error field in your test's mock object, instead of the result field:

it('should show error UI', async () => {
  const dogMock = {
    request: {
      query: GET_DOG_QUERY,
      variables: { name: 'Buck' },
    error: new Error('An error occurred'),

  const component = TestRenderer.create(
    <MockedProvider mocks={[dogMock]} addTypename={false}>
      <Dog name="Buck" />

  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); // wait for response

  const tree = component.toJSON();
  expect(tree.children).toContain('An error occurred');

In this case, when the Dog component executes its query, the MockedProvider returns the corresponding error. This applies the error state to our Dog component, enabling us to verify that the error is handled gracefully.

GraphQL errors

To simulate GraphQL errors, you define an errors field inside a mock's result field. The value of this field is an array of instantiated GraphQLError objects:

const dogMock = {
  // ...
  result: {
    errors: [new GraphQLError('Error!')],

Because GraphQL supports returning partial results when an error occurs, a mock object's result can include both errors and data.

Testing mutations

You test components that use useMutation similarly to how you test components that use useQuery. Just like in your application code, the primary difference is that you need to call the mutation's mutate function to actually execute the operation.


The following DeleteButton component executes the DELETE_DOG_MUTATION to delete a dog named Buck from our graph (don't worry, Buck will be fine 🐶):

export const DELETE_DOG_MUTATION = gql`
  mutation deleteDog($name: String!) {
    deleteDog(name: $name) {

export function DeleteButton() {
  const [mutate, { loading, error, data }] = useMutation(DELETE_DOG_MUTATION);

  if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
  if (error) return <p>Error!</p>;
  if (data) return <p>Deleted!</p>;

  return (
    <button onClick={() => mutate({ variables: { name: 'Buck' } })}>
      Click to Delete Buck

We can test the initial rendering of this component just like we tested our Dog component:

import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import { MockedProvider } from '@apollo/client/testing';
import DeleteButton, { DELETE_DOG_MUTATION } from './delete-dog';

it('should render without error', () => {
    <MockedProvider mocks={[]}>
      <DeleteButton />

In the test above, DELETE_DOG_MUTATION is not executed, because the mutate function is not called.

The following test does execute the mutation by clicking the button:

it('should render loading state initially', () => {
  const deleteDog = { name: 'Buck', breed: 'Poodle', id: 1 };
  const mocks = [
      request: {
        query: DELETE_DOG_MUTATION,
        variables: { name: 'Buck' },
      result: { data: { deleteDog } },

  const component = TestRenderer.create(
    <MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
      <DeleteButton />

  // find the button and simulate a click
  const button = component.root.findByType('button');
  button.props.onClick(); // fires the mutation

  const tree = component.toJSON();

Again, this example is similar to the useQuery-based component above, but it differs after the rendering is completed. Because this component relies on a button click to fire a mutation, we use the renderer's API to find the button and simulate a click with its onClick handler. This fires off the mutation, and the rest of the test runs as expected.

Other test utilities like Enzyme and react-testing-library have built-in tools for finding elements and simulating events, but the concept is the same: find the button and simulate a click on it.

To test for a successful mutation after simulating the click, use a zero-millisecond timeout, as shown in Testing the "success" state:

Remember that the mock's value for result can also be a function, so you can perform arbitrary logic (like setting a boolean to indicate that the mutation completed) before returning its result.

Testing error states for mutations is identical to testing them for queries..

Testing with the cache

If your application sets any cache configuration options (such as possibleTypes or typePolicies), you should provide MockedProvider with an instance of InMemoryCache that sets the exact same options:

const cache = new InMemoryCache({
  // ...configuration options...

<MockedProvider mocks={mocks} cache={cache}>
  <DeleteButton />

The following sample specifies possibleTypes and typePolicies in its cache configuration, both of which must also be specified in relevant tests to prevent unexpected behavior.

Sandbox example

For a working example that demonstrates how to test components, check out this project on CodeSandbox:

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