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Hooks migration guide

How to integrate the new hooks API into your existing Apollo app

The new hooks API for Apollo Client is a simpler way to fetch data in your React app without the boilerplate of render prop components and higher-order components (HOC). We recommend using hooks for all new Apollo code going forward.

Core packages

React hooks functionality is included in the Apollo Client bundle, whereas the older HOC / render prop component approaches are not. The React team has made it clear that hooks are the future, so we've decided to keep the older approaches available through separate packages.

Installation/upgrade scenarios

I just want to use Apollo hooks:

npm install @apollo/client

(remove the react-apollo and @apollo/react-hooks packages if they were previously installed)

I just want to use Apollo render prop components:

npm install @apollo/client @apollo/react-components

(remove the react-apollo package if it was previously installed)

I just want to use Apollo HOCs:

npm install @apollo/client @apollo/react-hoc

(remove the react-apollo package if it was previously installed)

I want to use all 3 React paradigms in my application:

npm install @apollo/client @apollo/react-components @apollo/react-hoc

(remove the react-apollo and @apollo/react-hooks packages if they were previously installed)

Server-side rendering

The getDataFromTree, getMarkupFromTree, and renderToStringWithData React SSR functions are bundled with Apollo Client 3. If you want to use these functions, you'll need to import them from @apollo/client/react/ssr:

import { getDataFromTree } from "@apollo/client/react/ssr";


React testing utilities are now available through the Apollo Client project, but they aren't included in the default bundle. To access the React testing utilities, you can use the @apollo/client/testing bundle like:

import { MockedProvider } from '@apollo/client/testing';
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